All about squats: varieties and technical nuances


Squats are a good and versatile element in any workout. It is easy to perform them, but the benefits are enormous: joints and back are strengthened, buttocks are tightened, endurance improves.

But only the correct squat technique guarantees a positive effect.

How to do it correctly?

You do not need to squat daily. It is enough 2-3 times a week — the muscles have time to recover and adapt to the loads.

With the help of squats, blood vessels and the heart are pumped. Muscle groups work:


the front and back surfaces of the thighs;




When using weights, almost all the remaining muscles are involved: arms, shoulders, chest, tendons, ligaments.

  1. Put your feet shoulder—width apart, socks facing forward (another option is that the feet are turned to the sides).
  2. Straighten your arms along your body or place them in front of you in a lock.
  3. Pull your hips back and shift your weight to your heels.
  4. Start moving down until your hips are parallel to the floor. The arms are raised to chest level or remain in the lock.
  5. Watch your knees, which should not go forward or beyond the line of socks. The angle is 90 degrees, and the position is above the toes.
  6. Start moving up to the starting position. Push off the floor with your heels.

Squat options

First they get acquainted with the classic squats. If they seem easy, move on to more complex variations.

Legs can change position:

plies are placed much wider than the shoulders;

narrow stop setting — put as close to each other as possible;

“pistol” — performed on one leg.

For additional load, a gymnastic ball is clamped between the legs. When wearing fitness elastic bands, you can lunge to the side in a squat position.

With a barbell

For many athletes, it is a standard exercise. The barbell is placed on the trapezoids of the back or front deltas, another option is on the elbow bends.

With jumps or turns

An impressive load on the cardiovascular system and joints is provided. To jump up, you need to push off with your heels harder.

With weights

As auxiliary equipment — dumbbells, neck, medball. The object is held above the head, increasing the load on the torso and back. Other location options: on the chest, in front of you, on the sides.

Exercises are also distinguished by the depth of the squat:

  1. In the usual version, the person goes down until the hips are parallel to the floor.
  2. With a deep squat, the pelvis falls below the knees. It is more difficult and more traumatic to perform it — stretching and knowledge of execution techniques are necessary.

The coaches of our sports complex are always close to the client, ready to check the correctness of the exercise and protect from injury.

How to do squats safely?

At first, conduct classes in front of a mirror to see mistakes.


  1. Keep your neck in the correct position — look forward, not down.
  2. Do not slouch and keep your back straight, bend slightly in the lower back.
  3. Do not test your body — if you experience a feeling of severe discomfort, stop.

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