Advantages of basketball: physical component
Due to the fact that the athlete must actively move during the game, all muscle groups are involved.
When a basketball player performs jumps, sharp throws and runs, the load falls on the cardiovascular and respiratory system. After training, they become more resilient.
A person playing basketball improves peripheral (or lateral) vision.
Do you want to lose weight? Then basketball is perfect. In one game, the body consumes up to 1200 kilocalories, and working muscles actively use fat deposits […]
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Advantages of handball as a team game
For playing handball, you can adapt a volleyball, basketball court or install a gate in the gym. You will need the following sports equipment wholesale for sports games: a handball ball, a 2×3 meter gate, marking (a semicircle in front of the gate, where players of the attacking team cannot step in).
Handball develops the muscles of the arms and legs, trains endurance, dexterity, improves coordination of movements. The player learns to work in a […]
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Regular exercise in combination with proper nutrition is an opportunity to get the first visual changes in 3-4 months. Although you can feel fit and cheerful after a couple of months of training, in some cases — even after a month.
Be sure to take into account sleep, nutrition and stress levels. Physical activity should not be abrupt, and the diet is too rigid, otherwise there is a risk of returning to the previous state.
Therefore, to the question: “Is it possible […]
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Squats are a good and versatile element in any workout. It is easy to perform them, but the benefits are enormous: joints and back are strengthened, buttocks are tightened, endurance improves.
But only the correct squat technique guarantees a positive effect.
How to do it correctly?
You do not need to squat daily. It is enough 2-3 times a week — the muscles have time to recover and adapt to the loads.
With the help of squats, blood vessels and the heart are pumped. […]
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